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Conférence McGill AI & Law – The Defamation Machine : Can ChatGPT Commit Defamation ?

This content is not available in the selected language. When: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 13:30 to 14:30 Where : Online Price: Free Zoom Registration: https://mcgill.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsd-6hqTMsGdUvpnw_oZyk_oI_M1Y8uatP  Join us for an AI and the Law talk with  Prof. James Grimmelmann, who will explore the question of software interpretation and revisit some of the classic thought experiments about artificial intelligence from a lawyerly point […] Read more

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From Wetware to Robots to Airware: Imagining a Trajectory for AI-facilitated Justice

This content is not available in the selected language. This installation is intended to interrogate the involvement of AI in the justice system. Your comments, if you choose to make any, will help us understand how the public feels about the possibility of AI judges, substantive vs. procedural reasons, and adjudicative vs. predictive justice systems. […] Read more

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Un robot répondra à vos questions en matière de consommation et de vie privée

The article "Un robot répondra vos questions en matière de consommation et de vie privée" by Virginie Soffer, published on the "UdeMNouvelles" website, discusses the Cyberjustice Laboratory's JusticeBot project. JusticeBot is an interactive conversational agent that uses artificial intelligence to simplify access to legal information for the general public. Since July 2020, JusticeBot has been […] Read more

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Conférence Cyberjustice Europe 2023 – Les nouveaux défis de la cyberjustice : entre information, régulation et démocratie

The Cyberjustice Laboratory is pleased to invite you to the CYBERJUSTICE EUROPE 2023 CONFERENCE in partnership with the Council of Europe and IERDJ on Friday November 24, 2023 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Registration details will be announced shortly. The CYBERJUSTICE EUROPE 2023 CONFERENCE is an event that brings together researchers, experts and […] Read more

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De la garantie de qualité à l’obsolescence programmée. Étude empirique sur les cas de bris de produits portés devant la Cour des petites créances

This content is not available in the selected language. Télécharger le fichier PDF Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter l’article “De la garantie de qualité à l’obsolescence programmée. Étude empirique sur les cas de bris de produits portés devant la Cour des petites créances”, co-écrit par Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse, Billie Godbout & Katherine Beaulieu dans la […] Read more

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The APEC Economic Committee's Case Study "Study on Best Practices in Using ODR" Mentions the PARLe Platform

The APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Economic Committee published in January 2023 its case study titled "Study on Best Practices in Using ODR." The study aims to detail the best practices for using ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) in commercial disputes. The APEC case study mentions the PARLe platform as an example of a tool that enhances […] Read more

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Le Web 3.0 : de la décentralisation à l’émancipation ?

“Agriculture destroyed the chief, forcing a transition to oligarchy. Industrialization destroyed the king, forcing a transition to democracy. The information revolution, coupled with globalization, is eroding representative government and forcing a transition toward something completely new." Michael Mason et Matthew Spoke, "Programmable Trust" Succeeding to the first-generation encyclopedic web and the social or participatory web, […] Read more

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Job Offer | The Cyberjustice Laboratory is Recruiting 3 Research Assistants - Academic Year 2023-2024

The Cyberjustice Laboratory is a unique space for reflection and creation, where justice processes are modeled and reimagined to improve access to justice. Our work is characterized by the experimentation of technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence, to optimize the current functioning of justice, so as to increase efficiency, reduce costs and delays, and simplify […] Read more

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Étude de recherche sur les audiences virtuelles du National Self-Represented Litigants Project

Are you a self-represented litigant who has had a virtual hearing? Then we want to hear from you! The National Self-Represented Litigants Project needs input from SRLs across Canada who've taken part in virtual hearings in any legal environments (family, civil, criminal, tribunal). This is an anonymous survey which should not take longer then 15-20 […] Read more

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ODR FORUM MONTREAL 2023 |The State and Future of ODR

This content is not available in the selected language. The International Forum is heading to Canada. The 23rd International ODR Forum will be held at the Cyberjustice Laboratory of the Université de Montréal on October 11-12, 2023. The 23rd International ODR Forum is a two-day assembly of over 250 innovators, changemakers and thought leaders from various sectors, such as business, […] Read more