Legal Literacy: The New frontier for Online Justice


The current organization of legal systems means that certain audiences face significant barriers (literacy, income, discriminatory bias, etc.) that deprive them of real and concrete access to the law and to justice. The purpose of this workshop series is to review the issues and challenges related to accessibility.


Workshop Speakers Date Information & Registration
Cultural Accessibility Pr Karine Gentelet & Donald Nicholls May 25, 2022 🔗 Link
Legal Literacy Pr Amy Salyzyn & Erick Bornmann June 21, 2022 🔗 Link
Information Accessibility Pr Pierre-Luc Déziel, Eve Gaumond, Nicolas Garneau TBD -
Disability and Accessibility Pr David Larson TBD -


This content has been updated on 10 April 2024 at 12 h 28 min.