Subproject 8 - Tools for Self-Represented Litigants

Start – 2018 | End – 2024 Duration – 6 years

The phenomenon of self-representation of citizens produces a risk of overloading  the courts of cases that are inadmissible, have low stakes or have low chances of success. In order to overcome these difficulties, many tools are being developed in the field of citizens' self-representation and must therefore be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness, relevance and satisfaction rates of the target audience.

Subproject chief
Fabien Gélinas

Research activities


Case studies

Two case studies will be conducted.



An inventory of tools will be produced and maintained.

"Results will be disseminated as indicated below:

  • Tools (Guide, prospectus, inventories) will be produced in order to facilitate the work of entities wishing to assist self-represented litigants." (Milestone Report).

Publications of researchers




Academic partner 





Academic partner 




Academic partner 


Institutional partner 





Institutional partner 



Institutional partner 



Industrial partner 


Professional partner 




Social partner 



Social partner 





Social partner 




Academic partner 




This content has been updated on 19 July 2024 at 12 h 58 min.