Actualités | Page 12

Actualités Nouvelles

Karim Benyekhlef et Valentin Callipel rencontrent Mamadou DIAKHATE, directeur du CFJ (Centre de Formation Judiciaire) au Sénégal

This content is not available in the selected language. Karim Benyekhlef, directeur du Laboratoire de cyberjustice et Valentin Callipel, ont rencontré le directeur du CFJ (Centre de Formation Judiciaire) du Sénégal, Mamadou DIAKHATE, pour travailler à l’élaboration d’une coopération technologique en vue de la formation des acteurs judiciaires sénégalais. Mamadou DIAKHATE est magistrat issu de la promotion « Birago […] Read more


ICAIL 2019 - Press release

    CP - ICAIL 2019 Press release For Immediate Release   The Cyberjustice Laboratory, host of  the prestigious International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL) 2019 – The Cyberjustice Laboratory   Montreal, June 3rd - From June 17th to the 21st, 2019, the Cyberjustice Laboratory will be hosting in Montreal, the International Conference […] Read more

Actualités Nouvelles

Séminaire de travail à IVADO sur l’outil JusticeBot

This content is not available in the selected language. Aujourd’hui, mercredi 17 avril, le Laboratoire de cyberjustice a tenu un séminaire de travail sur son outil d’intelligence artificielle juridique, le JusticeBot, lors d’un séminaire à IVADO. L’institut de valorisation des données a pour vocation de regrouper professionnels de l’industrie et chercheurs académiques afin de développer une expertise de pointe dans […] Read more

Actualités Nouvelles

PARLe – CAT Showcased at the FCO-ACCUO Conference

On Tuesday, April 16th, during the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman conference, Ian Darling, chair of the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) will present PARLe – CAT: the Cyberjustice Laboratory’s online dispute resolution platform tailored for the Condominium Authority Ontario’s needs. The platform entails three stages: negotiation, mediation, and adjudication by a judge. The Cyberjustice Laboratory, led […] Read more


Entrevue avec Lea Charbonneau, ancienne auxiliaire de recherche du Laboratoire

Former research assistant, Lea Charbonneau, express herself about her work at the Cyberjustice Laboratory. In an interview with Martine Boulanger, our Communications Coordinator, the young woman shares her highlights, her impressions and her aspirations regarding the future.  Hello Lea! First of all, could you start by describing your professional journey? Hello Martine! Of course! I […] Read more


Press Release : Visit of Quebec Ministers Sonia Lebel and Éric Caire - April 1, 2019

On Monday, April 1, 2019, Sonia LeBel, Minister of Justice of Quebec, and Éric Caire, Minister for Government Digital Transformation, attended a presentation of the Cyberjustice Laboratory by its Director, Professor Karim Benyekhlef, as well as Professor Nicolas Vermeys and Valentin Callipel. The session focused on the technological tools developed by the Laboratory, which are: […] Read more