HEC Paris | Developing an Automated Compliance App to help Firms Comply with Privacy Regulations

David Restrepo Amariles — chercheur AJC et professeur associé à HEC Paris — développe et teste avec des partenaires industriels une application utilisant des méthodes d’intelligence artificielle, dont l’apprentissage machine, afin de vérifier les documents relatifs à la protection de la vie privée d’une entreprise et renforcer le respect de la vie privée.

This application could serve consumers, lawyers, data protection officers, legal departments, and managers in auditing the privacy documents of a company. But more importantly, it aims to further generate privacy compliance in the back end of data flows, or in other words, to ensure companies are informed of data practices so they can take privacy preserving decisions. Privatech allows managers who are not specialized in privacy protection to conduct a preliminary compliance assessment and detect potential issues requiring specialized advice.


Privatech uses machine learning to automate the process of complying with legislation. With the help of several law firms and companies including Atos, one of the largest IT companies in Europe, HEC Paris researchers created a tool for automating the assessment of privacy policies. 

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Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 5 janvier 2021 à 17 h 09 min.