Legal Text Analysis using AI | Chapter 1

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Text and language are the core tools of the legal profession. Analyzing and understanding the information contained in textual documents, such as statutes, case law, contracts and doctrine, is one of the most important skill for any person in the legal field. Advances in artificial intelligence suggest computers may be able to support humans in this area, or even perform some tasks autonomously.

The Legal Text Analysis using Artificial Intelligence workshop series invites distinguished researchers and professionals in the fields of natural language processing and legal text analysis to discuss their work and practical lessons learnt in text analysis. The goal is for law students or professionals interested in technology, and engineering students or professionals interested in the law to leave the sessions with a better practical understanding of the possibility and use-cases of algorithms analyzing text, specifically in the legal domain.

This 1st Chapter will be presented by Jackie Chi Kit Cheung, Assistant Professor at McGill University.

Invited speaker

Jackie Chi Kit Cheung

Jackie Chi Kit Cheung is an Assistant Professor at McGill University’s School of Computer Science, where he co-directs the Reasoning and Learning Lab, and a Canada CIFAR AI Chair at the Mila Research Institute. He obtained his PhD from the University of Toronto. His research focuses on developing computational methods for understanding text and for generating language that is fluent and useful in context.  Specifically, his lab has developed state-of-the-art methods in automatic summarization and text simplification, as well as novel methodologies for probing current NLP systems for their understanding of common sense knowledge. Dr. Cheung is an academic advisor for the Borealis AI research lab in Montreal. He was a Program Co-Chair of Canadian AI 2018, and received a best paper award at ACL 2018.

Une attestation de participation représentant 1 heure et 30 minutes de formation sera transmise aux avocats et aux notaires.
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This content has been updated on 8 October 2020 at 13 h 25 min.