Publication in the Larcier Editions : The Judge and the Algorithm
The Research Centre in Information, Law and Society (CRIDS) of the Faculty of Law in the University of Namur has just released his monograph "The judge and the algorithm: judges increased or justice diminished? "In this book, Prof. Karim Benykhlef, Jie Zhu and Valentin Callipel, of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, wrote an article on the theme of "Human Responsibility in Algorithmic Decision Making, Canadian Perspective".
The article deals with the responsibility of individuals in case of fault caused by an algorithm, particularly with regard to autonomous cars and autonomous lethal weapons. The authors highlight the problems posed by false positives and the decisional opacity of algorithms, which could be problematic when they make decisions. The authors argue for the creation of an algorithm certification authority.
To get the book and learn more about algorithms and the law, click here.
This content has been updated on 23 June 2020 at 10 h 11 min.