Actualités | Page 10


Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Why is everybody calling for ethics if what they mean is law?

This content is not available in the selected language. Dans le cadre du Cycle de conférences « L’apport des sciences sociales dans la régulation des artefacts technologiques », nous vous invitons de à la conférence « Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Why is everybody calling for ethics if what they mean is law? » présentée par Gloria González Fuster. […] Read more

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AI and Law 2021: 3 Doctoral scholarships and 1 postdoctoral fellowship offered. Apply now!!

The LexUM Chair in Legal Information and the Cyberjustice Laboratory are pleased to announce the opening of three (3) Doctoral Fellowships in Law and Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2021) and a Postdoctoral Fellowship (full-time, 12 months) for 2021. Research in law and AI is accelerating and to accompany this scientific momentum, the Chair and the Laboratory […] Read more


Publication | Generating Intelligible Plumitifs Descriptions: Use Case Application with Ethical Considerations

David Beauchemin, Nicolas Garneau, Ève Gaumond, Pierre-Luc Deziel, Richard Khoury, and Luc Lamontagne - professors at the Université de Laval - explore in this publication the ethical issues of access to judicial information. ABSTRACT  Plumitifs (dockets) were initially a tool for law clerks. Nowadays, they are used as summaries presenting all the steps of a […] Read more


Web-conférence | Projet de loi C-11 : Réactions à chaud sur la réforme de la vie privée au Canada

This content is not available in the selected language. À la suite de la présentation par le ministre de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie de la réforme sur la protection de la vie privée au Canada, la Chaire L.R. Wilson en collaboration avec d’autres institutions universitaires telles l’OBVIA et le Centre de recherche en […] Read more


JURISIN-2020 | Call for papers

Call for papers for the Fourteenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics associated with JSAI International Symposia on AI 2020 (IsAI-2020) to be held from the 15th to 17th of November, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. Due to COVID-19 this event may be  remotely.  Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues from the perspective of […] Read more


Nicolas Vermeys et Maria-Fernanda Acevedo Lanas | L’émergence et l’évolution des tribunaux virtuels au Canada – L’exemple de la Plateforme d’aide au règlement des litiges en ligne (PARLe)

Nicolas Vermeys - Assistant Director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory - Maria-Fernanda Acevedo Lanas - Scientific Coordinator at the Cyberjustice Laboratory - explore in this publication the emergence and evolution of virtual courts in Canada by drawing on the work done by the Cyberjustice Laboratory and, in particular, the success of the Platform to Aid in […] Read more


The Conversation – Covid-19: les dérives possibles de surveillance des données personnelles

Benoit Dupont - ACT researcher - focus in this article published in The Conversation  on the use of personal data to fight against the COVID-19 pandemia.  Available in french only. Afin de retrouver une liberté de mouvement temporairement suspendue et dans le but de protéger les populations contre une deuxième vague d’infection, on voit se mettre […] Read more