Actualités | Page 11


The conversation - Courts are moving to video during coronavirus, but research shows it’s hard to get a fair trial remotely

David Tait and Meredith Rossner - ACT researchers - focus in this article published in The conversation - an online academic journal - on the challenges faced by virtual courts in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a sense, the courts have been preparing for an outbreak like this for some time. Witnesses […] Read more


Slaw |“Trial by Zoom” : What Virtual hearings might mean for Open Courts, Participants Privacy and the Integrity of Court Proceedings

Amy Salyzyn -  ACT researcher - writes in this article published on the website Slaw - a Canadian legal blog - about how the pandemic has disrupted the functioning of the judicial system. She paints the picture of how a virtual courts should be, emphasizing the need to provide more transparency, including more access to […] Read more


En réponse à la crise sanitaire du COVID-19, Mé, partenaire du Laboratoire de cyberjustice, lance une nouvelle plateforme gratuite de règlement à l’amiable

This content is not available in the selected language. Communiqué de presse Montréal, 1er avril 2020. Médicys – centre de médiation et de règlement à l’amiable des huissiers de justice en France lance avec le Laboratoire de cyberjustice la plateforme qui sera dédiée à la résolution de litiges survenus durant la période de confinement. […] Read more


The PARLe platform in the latest Joint Technology Committee’s Resource Bulletin on ODR platforms

The Joint Technology Committee (JTC) published a bulletin on January 28, 2020, containing various case studies on online dispute resolution (ODR). The committee notes that dozens, if not hundreds, of jurisdictions have implemented online dispute resolution mechanisms. Through seven case studies, it looks at the different possibilities available to courts to apply dispute resolution technology: […] Read more



In view of the situation regarding the coronavirus and the measures taken by government and university authorities, the Cyberjustice Laboratory and the LexUM Chair regretfully cancel all future public lectures and activities until further notice. Nevertheless, we intend on postponing most of them, to the extent possible, to a later date. We will keep you […] Read more


The Judges Journal : Here There Be Dragons – The Likely Interaction of Judges with the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

Artificial intelligence, or “AI,” is frequently referenced both in the news and in commercial advertisements. It often appears that nearly everything is or soon will be a product of AI. In fact, however, other than natural language processing, true AI is still in its early stages and far less common than advertising would suggest. This […] Read more


« L’Online Dispute Resolution, un complément indispensable à la justice d'aujourd'hui et de demain »

Pierre Legros, a former trainee at the Cyberjustice Laboratory, highlights in an article published on the website Village de la justice, the importance of a better access to justice through the development of online dispute resolution platforms. Available in french only  « Partant du principe qu’une plateforme d’ODR serait accessible en tout temps et en […] Read more


Podcast Lexlab – IA, Canada et Avocats

As part of the "Justice and Algorithms" week, the radio program LexLab made an inventory of AI innovation in Canada and particularly in Quebec. This episode brought together around a table, Pr Karim Benyekhlef - director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory - Pr Gregory Lewkowicz - ACT researcher - as well as Pr Marina Teller to discuss […] Read more