Publications Ignacio Cofone
Scientific articles
- Ignacio COFONE, « Servers and Waiters: What Matters in the Law of A.I », (2019) 21 Stanford Technology Law Review 167. PDF
- Ignacio COFONE et Katherine J. STRANDBURG, « Strategic Games and Algorithmic Secrecy », (2019) 64-4 McGill Law Journal 623. PDF
Books or chapters of books
- Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
- Ignacio COFONE, "AI and Judicial Decision-Making", in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).