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Researchers and collaborators
Scientific articles
Jean-François ROBERGE, « Justicial Judging: Towards a Renewal in Problem Solving Access to Justice », (2019) 38-1 Civil Justice Quarterly 32-43.
David RESTREPO AMARILES et Gregory LEWKOWICZ, « The Emergence of Smart Law », (2019) 29-3 International Journal for Financial Services 24-33.
Bethany MUIR, Eryn J. NEWMAN, Meredith ROSSNER et David TAIT, « Virtual Courts and Backgrounds: How Background Cues Shape Character Impressions and Assessments of Guilt », Law and Human Behavior, (under review).
Christian LICOPPE et Clair-Antoine VEYRIER, « The Interpreter as a Sequential Coordinator in Courtroom Interaction: ‘Chunking’ and the Management of Turn Shifts in Extended Answers in Consecutively Interpreted Asylum Hearings with Remote Participants », (2020) 22-1 Interpreting 5686, DOI: 10.1075/intp.00034.lic
Fredric I. LEDERER, « Thoughts on Remote Appearances and Virtual Hearings, An Essay for the CLCT Court Affiliates », (2020) National Center for State Courts.
Ida KOIVISTO et Riikka KOULU, « Kuinka hyvä hallinto digitalisoidaan? Haaste oikeustieteelliselle tutkimukselle » [« How to Digitalise Good Administration? Challenge for Socio-Legal Scholarship »], (2020) Lakimies 798-821.
Paul DUMOUCHEL, « The Impacts of Technology: Anthropological Foundations », (2019) 3 Concilium 15.
Riikka KOULU, « Täytäntöönpanon yksityistyminen eli miten teknologia mullistaa tapamme ymmärtää riidanratkaisu? » [« Privatisation of Enforcement or How Technology Changes Our Perception of Dispute Resolution »], (2019) 3 Oikeus 265.
Alexei GRINBAUM, « Ethics in the Framework of Responsible Research and Innovation », (2019) 2 Technologos 21-30, DOI: 10.15593/perm.kipf/2019.2.02.
Karine GENTELET et Alexandra BAHARY-DIONNE, « Social Justice, Resistance and Data Activism: Data Justice Initiatives of Marginalized Groups and Communities », Communication & Society.
Jacquelyn BURKELL et Jane BAILEY, « Unlawful Distinctions? : Canadian Human Rights Law and Algorithmic Bias », (2018) Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights 217.
Marco GIACALONE et Fabrizio CORONA, « L’evoluzione storica delle ODR: dall’Emoticon ai sistemi Fair Division », (2019) Special issue, I-Lex.
Benjamin ALARIE, Rory McCREIGHT et Cristina TUCCIARONE, « Automated Tax Planning: Who’s Liable When AI Gets It Wrong? », (2023) Tax Notes Federal 2297.
Benjamin ALARIE, « Generative AI for Tax: Looking Back, Looking Ahead », (2024) Tax Notes Federal 1069.
Benjamin ALARIE, Kim CONDON et Nasreen RAHMAN, « Unbridled Losses: Harnessing Machine Learning for Tax Analysis », (2023).
Nicolas VERMEYS et Jean-François ROBERGE, « ODR as a Public Service: The Access to Justice-Driven Canadian Experience », (2019) 6-2 International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 227.
Vu TRAN, Minh Le NGUYEN, Satoshi TOJO et Ken SATOH, « Encoded Summarization: Summarizing Documents into Continuous Vector Space for Legal Case Retrieval », (2020) 28-4 Artificial Intelligence and Law 441, DOI: 10.1007/s10506-020-09262-4.
David TAIT, « Rituals and Spaces in Innovative Courts », (2018) 27-2 Griffith Law Review 233, DOI: 10.1080/10383441.2018.1537074.
Teresa SCASSA, Amy SALYZYN, Jena McGILL et Suzanne BOUCLIN, « Developing Privacy Best Practices for Direct-to-Public Legal Apps: Observations and Lessons Learned », (2020) 18-1 Canadian Journal of Law and Technology.
Meredith ROSSNER, « Remote Rituals in Virtual Courts », (2021) 48-3 Journal of Law and Society 334-361.
Meredith ROSSNER et David TAIT, « Presence and Participation in a Virtual Court », (2023) 23-1 Criminology & Criminal Justice 135-157.
Jean-François ROBERGE, « L’accès à la justice au 21e siècle. Vers une approche empirique et plurielle », (2020) 54 Revue juridique Thémis 487-510.
Jean-François ROBERGE et Véronique FRASER, « Access to Commercial Justice: A Roadmap for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Design for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMEs) Disputes », Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution (forthcoming), en ligne :
Jean-François ROBERGE et Véronique FRASER, « Cooperative Design Lawyering: How Can Lawyers Prevent Disputes through Value Innovation? », (2019) 20:3 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 557-582.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, Valeria STOURM, Scott A. NESLIN, Eric T. BRADLOW, Els BREUGELMANS, So Yeon CHUN, Pedro GARDETE, P. K. KANNAN, Praveen KOPALLE, Young-Hoon PARK, Raphael THOMADSEN, Yuping LIU-THOMPKINS et Rajkumar VENKATESAN, « Refocusing loyalty programs in the era of big data: a societal lens paradigm », (2020) 31-4 Marketing Letters 405-418, DOI: 10.1007/s11002-020-09523-x.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, Paul BONIOL, George PANAGOPOULOS, Christos XYPOLOPOULOS, Rajaa EL HAMDANI et Michalis VAZIRGIANNIS, « Performance in the Courtroom: Automated Processing and Visualization of Appeal Court Decisions in France », (2020) Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2020 co-located with the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD 2020), en ligne :
Pedro BORGES FORTES et David RESTREPO AMARILES, « Law-jobs in the Algorithmic Society », (2022) International Journal of Law in Context 1-12, DOI: 10.1017/S174455232200043X.
David RESTREPO AMARILES et Gregory LEWKOWICZ, « Unpacking Smart Law: How Mathematics and Algorithms are Reshaping the Legal Code in the Financial Sector », (2020) 25-3 Lex Electronica 171-185.
Pierre NOREAU, Yan SÉNÉCHAL et Jean-François ROBERGE, « Evolution de la recherche et réformes de la justice », (2020) 54 Revue juridique Thémis 1-24.
Ian D. MARDER et Meredith ROSSNER, « Restorative Justice, Restorative Practice, and COVID-19 », The International Journal of Restorative Justice, (forthcoming).
Fredric I. LEDERER, « The Evolving Technology – Augmented Courtroom Before, During, and After the Pandemic », (2020) Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law.
Jean LASSÈGUE, « L’Intelligence artificielle, technologie de la vision numérique du monde », (2019) 2 Les Cahiers de la Justice 205, DOI: 10.3917/cdlj.1902.0205.
Jean LASSÈGUE, « Ambivalence du calculable et crise du jugement », (2019) 82 Archives de Philosophie 255, DOI: 10.3917/aphi.822.0255.
Vincent LARIVIÈRE and Jean-Philippe WARREN, « The Dissemination of National Knowledge in an Internationalized Scientific Community », (2019) 44 Canadian Journal of Sociology 18, DOI: 10.29173/cjs29548.
Juliano RABELO, Mi-Young KIM, Randy GOEBEL, Masaharu YOSHIOKA, Yoshinobu KANO et Ken SATOH, « COLIEE: Competition for Legal Information Extraction and Entailment », (2020) 35-3 Journal of Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence 377.
Mireille HILDEBRANDT, « Privacy as Protection of the Incomputable Self: From Agnostic to Agonistic Machine Learning », (2019) 20-1 Theoretical Inquiries in Law.
Iria GIUFFRIDA, « Liability Risk for Artificial Intelligence Predictive Decision-Making », (2019) 88 Fordham Law Review 439.
Iria GIUFFRIDA and Taylor TREECE, « Keeping AI under Observation: Anticipated Impacts on Physicians’ Standard of Care », (2020) 22 Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property.
Fabien GÉLINAS, « Managing Procedural Expectations in Small Claims ODR », (2019) 6-1 International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 53.
Antoine GARAPON et Jean LASSÈGUE, « Concluding Remarks of the Seminar on Blockchain and Procedural Law », Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law and Policy (forthcoming).
Wachara FUNGWACHARAKORN, Kanae TSUSHIMA et Ken SATOH, « Resolving Counterintuitive Consequences in Law Using Legal Debugging », Artificial Intelligence and Law, (forthcoming).
Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, « L’utilisation de renseignements personnels dans le contexte de la justice prédictive : le cas des outils actuariels d’évaluation des risques de récidive », (2018) 60 Archives de philosophie du droit 229.
Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, « Est-ce bien nécessaire ? Le principe de limitation de la collecte face aux défis de l’intelligence artificielle et des données massives », (2020) 465 Développements récents en droit à la vie privée 1.
Ignacio COFONE, « Servers and Waiters: What Matters in the Law of A.I », (2019) 21 Stanford Technology Law Review 167.
Ignacio COFONE et Katherine J. STRANDBURG, « Strategic Games and Algorithmic Secrecy », (2019) 64-4 McGill Law Journal 623.
Benjamin ALARIE, Bettina XUE GRIFFIN et Abdi AIDID, « Using AI to Characterize Financing Between Related Parties », (2020) Tax Notes State 915‑920.
Benjamin ALARIE, « Ahead by a Century: Tim Edgar, Machine-Learning, and the Future of Anti-Avoidance », (2020) 68-2 CTJ 613‑629.
Huihui XU, Kevin ASHLEY, « Multi-granularity Argument Mining in Legal Texts », In Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022.
Huihui XU, Kevin ASHLEY, « Argumentative segmentation enhancement for legal summarization », Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Text, 2023.
Nicolas VERMEYS, Dahlia CHALATI, « La sécurité des actes notariés dématérialisés », (2018) 120/3 Revue du Notariat, 479.
Nicolas Vermeys, « La responsabilité civile du fait des agents autonomes », (2018) 30 Les Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle, 851-880.
Marco VELICOGNA, Giampiero LUPO, « ICT Development and Business Process Modelling in the Legal Domain: The Experience of e-CODEX », (2019) No. 8, European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities.
Antonio Emerson Barros TOMAZ, José Cláudio do NASCIMENTO, Abdelhakim SENHAJI HAFID, José Neuman de SOUZA, « Preserving Privacy in Mobile Health Systems Using Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof and Blockchain », (2020) No. 8.
Amy J. SCHMITZ, « Expanding Access to Remedies through E-Court Initiatives », (2019) 67 Buffalo Law Review, 101-173.
Amy J. SCHMITZ, Colin RULE, « Online Dispute Resolution for Smart Contracts », (2019) 2019 Journal of Dispute Resolution, 103-125.
Amy SALYZYN, Jacquelyn BURKELL, Emma COSTAIN, Brandon PIVA, « What Makes Court Forms Complex? Studying Empirical Support for a Functional Literacy Approach », (2019) 15 Journal of Law and Equality, 31.
Ali SADEGHIAN, Laksshman SUNDARAM, Daisy Zhe WANG, William F. HAMILTON, Karl BRANTING, Craig PFEIFER, « Semantic Edge Labeling over Legal Citation Graphs », (2018) 26(2) Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer, 127-144.
Meredith ROSSNER, David TAIT, Martha MCCURDY, « Justice Reimagined: Challenges and Opportunities with Implementing Virtual Courts », (2021) Current Issues in Criminal Justice.
Jean-François ROBERGE, « Le sentiment de justice. Un concept pertinent pour évaluer la qualité du règlement des différends en ligne? », (2020) No. 1, Revue juridique de la Sorbonne, 5-21.
David RESTREPO-AMARILES, « From Computational Indicators to Law into Technologies: The Internet of Things, Data Analytics and Encoding in COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps », International Journal of Law in Context (forthcoming).
Jena MCGILL, Amy SALYZYN, « Judging by Numbers: How will Judicial Analytics Impact the Justice System and its Stakeholders? », (2021) No. 44-1, Dalhousie Law Journal (forthcoming).
Liam MCCOY, Jacquelyn BURKELL, Dallas CARD, Brent DAVIS, Judy GICHOYA, Sophie LEPAGE, David MADRAS, « On Meaningful Human Control in High-Stakes Machine-Human Partnerships », (2019) UCLA: The Program on Understanding Law, Science, and Evidence (PULSE).
Benjamin ALARIE, Abdi AIDID, « Predicting Economic Substance Cases with Machine Learning », (2020) Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure.
Giampiero LUPO, « Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: How Normative Frameworks Protect Citizens from the Risks Related to AI Use in the Judiciary », (2019) No. 8-2, European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, 75.
Fredric I. LEDERER, « Here There Be Dragons – The Likely Intersection of Judges With the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem », (2020) No. 59-1, The Judges Journal; American Bar Association | Judicial Division.
Riikka KOULU, « Human Control over Automation: EU Policy and AI Ethics », (2020) No. 1, European Journal of Legal Studies, 9.
Riikka KOULU, « Proceduralising Control and Discretion: Human Oversight in Artificial Intelligence Policy », (2020) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, DOI: 10.1177/1023263X20978649.
Riikka KOULU, « Crafting Digital Transparency: Implementing Legal Values into Algorithmic Design », (2021) No. 81, Critical Analysis of Law, 81-100.
Bahar HOUTAN, Abdelhakim SENHAJI HAFID, Dimitrios MAKRAKIS, « A Survey on Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Patient Identity in Healthcare », (2020) No. 8, IEEE Access, 90478, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2994090.
Zakaria Abou El Houda, Abdelhakim Senhaji Hafid, Lyes Khoukhi, « Cochain-SC: An Intra- and Inter-Domain DDoS Mitigation Scheme Based on Blockchain Using SDN and Smart Contract », (2019) No. 7, IEEE Access, 98893, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2930715.
Thomas J. HOLT, Benoît DUPONT, « Exploring the Factors Associated with Rejection from a Closed Cybercrime Community », (2019) No. 63-8, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1127-1147, DOI : 10.1177/0306624X18811101.
Mireille M. HILDEBRANDT, « The Artificial Intelligence of European Union Law », (2020) No. 21-1, German Law Journal, 74-79, DOI : 10.1017/glj.2019.99.
Mireille M. HILDEBRANDT, « Smart Technologies », (2020) No. 9-4, Internet Policy Review, pp. 1-16, DOI : 10.14763/2020.4.1531.
Jenni Maria HAKKARAINEN, Riikka KOULU, Kalle Aleksi MARKKANEN, « Läpinäkyvät algoritmit ? Lähdekoodin julkisuus ja kontrolli hallinnon digitalisaatiossa », [« Transparent Algorithms? Source Code Publicity and Control in Administrative Digitalization »], (2020) Edilex.
Abdelatif HAFID, Abdelhakim SENHAJI HAFID, Mustapha SAMIH, « Scaling Blockchains: A Comprehensive Survey », (2020) No. 8, IEEE Access, 125244, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3007251.
Abdelatif HAFID, Abdelhakim SENHAJI HAFID, Mustapha SAMIH, « New Mathematical Model to Analyze Security of Sharding-Based Blockchain Protocols », (2019) No. 7, IEEE Access, 185447, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2961065.
Abdelatif HAFID, Abdelhakim SENHAJI HAFID, Mustapha SAMIH, « A Novel Methodology-Based Joint Hypergeometric Distribution to Analyze the Security of Sharded Blockchains », (2020) No. 8, IEEE Access, 179389, DOI : 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3027952.
Chandell E. GOSSE, Jacquelyn BURKELL, « Politics and Porn: How News Media Characterizes Problems Presented by Deepfakes », (2020) No. 37-5, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 497-511, DOI : 10.1080/15295036.2020.1832697.
Iria GIUFFRIDA, Fredric I. LEDERER, Nicolas VERMEYS, « A Legal Perspective on the Trials and Tribulations of AI, How Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Smart Contracts and Other Technologies Will Affect the Law », (2018) No. 68, Case Western Reserve Law Review, 747.
Francesco ROMEO, Marco GIACALONE, Marco DALL’AGLIO, « C REA Project – Conflict Resolution Equitative », Jusletter IT – The Magazine for IT and Law, (2018).
Marco GIACALONE, Sajedeh SALEHI, « Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms: A Tool to Establish a European Common Ground of Available Rights », in The European Common Ground of Available Rights, edited by F. Romeo, S. Martuccelli, M. Giacalone, Ed. Scientifica Napoli, 2019.
Karine GENTELET, Alexandra BAHARY-DIONNE, « Stratégies des Premiers Peuples au Canada concernant les données numériques : décolonisation et souveraineté », Revue TIC et société, (soumis pour publication).
Trevor FARROW, « Solving the Access to Justice Crisis Through Privatization: Opportunities and Concerns », (2021) No. 20, La Revue des Juristes de Sciences Po, 32.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Jaromír ŠAVELKA, Vern R. WALKER, Kevin D. ASHLEY, Karim BENYEKHLEF, « Computer-Assisted Creation of Boolean Search Rules for Text Classification in the Legal Domain », (déc. 2019), In JURIX, pp. 123-132.
Marco FABRI, « Comparing the Number of Judges and Court Staff Across European Countries », (déc. 2018) No. 9-3, International Journal of the Legal Profession, 67-75.
Marco FABRI, « Pitfalls in Data Gathering to Assess Judiciaries », (2018) No. 9-3, International Journal for Court Administration, 67-75.
Federica VIAPIANA, Marco FABRI, « Administration of Justice and Court’s Budget: An Independence and a Managerial Issue », (2019) No. V-1, Ciencias e Politicas Publicas (Public Sciences & Policies), 50-66.
Harold ÉPINEUSE, Antoine GARAPON, « Les défis d’une justice à l’ère numérique de stade 3 », (2018) No. 3, Enjeux numériques Annales des Mines, 16.
Benoît DUPONT, « The Cyber-Resilience of Financial Institutions: Significance and Applicability », (2019) No. 5, Journal of Cybersecurity, DOI : 10.1093/cybsec/tyz013.
Benoît DUPONT, « Enhancing the Effectiveness of Cybercrime Prevention through Policy Monitoring », (2019) No. 42-5, Journal of Crime and Justice, 500-515, DOI : 10.1080/0735648X.2019.1691855.
Paul DUMOUCHEL, « Intelligence, Artificial and Otherwise », (2019) No. 24-2, Forum Philosophicum, 241258, DOI : 10.35765/forphil.2019.2402.11.
Primavera DE FILIPPI, Morshed MANNAN, Wessel REIJERS, « Blockchain as a Confidence Machine: The Problem of Trust & Challenges of Governance », (2020) No. 62, Technology in Society, 101284, DOI : 10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101284
Luisa DAMIANO, Paul G. DUMOUCHEL, « Emotions in Relation. Epistemological and Ethical Scaffolding for Mixed Human-Robot Social Ecologies », (2020) 13-37, HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies, 181206.
Luisa DAMIANO, Paul DUMOUCHEL, « Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution », (2018) No. 9, Frontiers in Psychology, 468, DOI : 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00468.
Benoit COMBEMALE, Jorg KIENZLE, Gunter MUSSBACHER, Hyacinth ALI, Daniel AMYOT, Mojtaba BAGHERZADEH, Edouard BATOT, Nelly BENCOMO, Benjamin BENNI, Jean-Michel BRUEL, Jordi CABOT, Betty H.C. CHENG, Philippe COLLET, Gregor ENGELS, Robert HEINRICH, Jean-Marc JEZEQUEL, Anne KOZIOLEK, Sebastien MOSSER, Ralf REUSSNER, Houari SAHRAOUI, Rijul SAINI, June SALLOU, Serge STINCKWICH, Eugene SYRIANI, Manuel WIMMER, « A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems », IEEE Software, 2020.0‑0, DOI : 10.1109/MS.2020.2995125.
Alexis COLLOMB, Primavera DE FILIPPI, Klara SOK, « Blockchain Technology and Financial Regulation: A Risk-Based Approach to the Regulation of ICOs », (2019) No. 10-2, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 263, DOI : 10.1017/err.2019.41.
Ignacio N. COFONE, « Algorithmic Discrimination Is an Information Problem », (2019) No. 70-6, Hastings Law Journal, 1389.
Jacquelyn BURKELL, Priscilla M. REGAN, « Voter Preferences, Voter Manipulation, Voter Analytics: Policy Options for Less Surveillance and More Autonomy », (2019) No. 8-4, Internet Policy Review, DOI : 10.14763/2019.4.1438.
L. Karl BRANTING, Lisa FERRO, John ABERDEEN, Craig PFEIFER, Bradford BROWN, Mark PFAFF, Brandy WEISS, Bill LIAO, « Scalable and Explainable Legal Prediction », (2020) No. 24, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer, 1-26.
L. Karl BRANTING, Alexander YEH, Brandy WEISS, Elizabeth MERKHOFER, Bradford BROWN, « Inducing Predictive Models for Decision Support in Administrative Adjudication », (2018) No. 10791, AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Julie BIRON, Nicolas VERMEYS, « L’encadrement des robots-conseillers en droit canadien », (2018) No. 77:1, R du B 41.
Dominique BOULLIER, « Tracer l’émergence des foules et des publics en ligne et sur site », dans, Revue électronique des sciences humaines et sociales, (2019).
Karim BENYEKHLEF, Jie ZHU, « À l’intersection de l’ODR et de l’intelligence artificielle : la justice traditionnelle à la croisée des chemins », dans Lex Electronica, (2020) 25, p. 34-70
Rocco BELLANOVA, Gloria GONZÁLEZ FUSTER, « Composting and Computing: On Digital Security Compositions », dans European Journal of International Security, (2019) 4-3, p. 345‑365, DOI : 10.1017/eis.2019.18.
Susan A. BANDES, Neal FEIGENSON, « Virtual Trials : Necessity, Invention, and the Evolution of the Courtroom », dans Buffalo Law Review , (2020) 68-5, p. 1275.
Jane BAILEY and Jacquelyn BURKELL. « Legal Remedies for Online Attacks: Young People’s Perspectives », (2019) 9 The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research 110.
Jane BAILEY et Priscilla M. REGAN. « Big Data, Privacy and Education Applications », (2020) 29-1 Ed and LJ 55.
Jane BAILEY et Carissima MATHEN. « Technology-facilitated Violence Against Women and Girls: Assessing the Canadian Criminal Law Response », (2019) 97-3 Can Bar Rev 664.
Jane BAILEY et Jacquelyn A. BURKELL. « Equality at Stake: Connecting the Privacy/Vulnerability Cycle to the Debate about Publicly Accessible Online Court Records », (2018) 4-1 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 67.
Ayelet SELA et Limor GABAY-EGOZI. « Judicial Procedural Involvement (JPI) : A Metric for Judges’ Role in Litigation, Settlement and Access to Justice », (2020) 47(3) Journal of Law and Society 468.
Benjamin ALARIE. « Turning Standards into Rules Part 4: Machine Learning and Economic Substance », (2018), 249 DTR 111.
Benjamin ALARIE. « Turning Standards into Rules Part 1: Using Machine Learning to Predict Tax Outcomes », (2018) 10-182 DTR.
Ayelet SELA, « e-Nudging Justice : The Role of Digital Choice Architecture in Online Courts », (2019) 2-9 Journal of Dispute Resolution p. 127.
Beauchemin, David, Nicolas Garneau, Eve Gaumond, Pierre-Luc Déziel, et Al. "Generating Intelligible Plumitifs Descriptions: Use Case Application with Ethical Considerations ", (2020) In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation , 15–21. Dublin, Ireland: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, "Les limites du droit à la vie privée à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle : groupes algorithmiques, contrôle individuel et cycle de traitement de l’information ", (2018) 30-3 Les Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle p. 829-850.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "La responsabilité civile du fait des agents autonomes ", (2018) 30-3 Les cahiers de propriété intellectuelle p. 851-880.
Karim BENYEKHLEF, Jie ZHU, " Intelligence artificielle et justice : justice prédictive, conflits de basse intensité et données massives ", (2018) 30 les Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle p. 789-826.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, Julian MCLACHLAN, " Legal Indicators in Transnational Law Practice: A Methodological Assessment ", (2018) 58-2 Jurimetrics p.163-209.
Okhaide AKHIGBE, Daniel AMYOT, Gregory RICHARDS, "A systematic literature mapping of goal and non‑goal modelling methods for legal and regulatory compliance ", (2019) 459-481 Requirements Engineering, Springer.
Taha BINALIALHAG, Jameleddine HASSINE, Daniel AMYOT, " Static slicing of Use Case Maps requirements models ", (2019) 2465–2505 Software & Systems Modeling, Springer .
Mahdi GHASEMI, Daniel AMYOT, "From event logs to goals: a systematic literature review of goal-oriented process mining ", (2020) 25:67-93 Requirements Engineering, Springer.
Daniel AMYOT, "Requirements Engineering (RE) for Social Good - RE Cares ", (2019) 36-1 IEEE Software p.86-94.
Thomas J. HOLT, Benoît DUPONT, " Exploring the factors associated with rejection from a closed cybercrime community ", (2019) 63-8 International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology p. 1127-1147.
Antoinette ROUVROY, "Le projet de "social credit scoring" chinois relève bien d’une forme de gouvernementalité algorithmique! ", (2018) nº 119 Philosophie magazine , p.36-36.
Amy SCHMITZ and Rule COLIN, "Online Dispute Resolution for Smart Contracts ", (2019) Journal Of Dispute Resolution p.125-203.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Vern R. WALKER, Kevin D. ASHLEY and Karim BENYEKHLEF. "Using Factors to Predict and Analyze Landlord Tenant Decisions to Increase Access to Justice ", (2019) ICAIL '19: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law .
Hannes WESTERMANN, Jaromír ŠAVELKA, Vern R. WALKER, Kevin D. ASHLEY et Karim BENYEKHLEF, "Computer-Assisted Creation of Boolean Search Rules for Text Classification in the Legal Domain ", (2019) Proceedings of JURIX 2019.
Nicolas VERMEYS, Dahlia CHALATI. "La sécurité des actes notaries dématérialisés" , (2019) La Revue du Notariat .
Nicolas VERMEYS, Maria-Fernanda ACEVEDO LANAS "L’émergence et l’évolution des tribunaux virtuels au Canada – L’exemple de la Plateforme d’aide au règlement des litiges en ligne ", (2020),Revue Juridique de la Sorbonne No 1 ; Université Paris-Sorbonne .
Amy SCHMITZ, Janet MARTINEZ, "ODR Providers Operating in the U.S. ODR in the United States, in Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice: A Treatise on Technology and Dispute Resolution ", (2020) 2020-14 University of Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper.
Amy SCHMITZ, "Measuring 'Access to Justice' in the Rush to Digitize ", (2020) 2020-15 University of Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper.
Jean-François ROBERGE, "Le sentiment de justice. Un concept pertinent pour évaluer la qualité du règlement des différends en ligne ? ", (June 2020) n°1 Revue juridique de la Sorbonne p. 5 – 21.
Riika KOULU, "Human control over automation : EU policy and AI ethics ", (2020) 12-1 European journal of legal studies p. 9-46.
Fredric LEDERER, "Here There Be Dragons – The Likely Interaction of Judges with the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem" , (2020) 59-1 The Judges Journal ; American Bar Association | Judicial Division.
Giampiero LUPO, "Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: How Normative Frameworks Protect Citizens from the Risks Related to AI Use in the Judiciary ", (2019) European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities .
Heather KULP, Amy SCHMITZ, "Real Feedback from Real People: Emphasizing User-Centric Designs for Court ODR ", (2020) SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3615820.
Jena MCGILL, Amy SALYZYN "Judging by Numbers: How Will Judicial Analytics Impacte the Justice System and Its Stakeholders?" , (2020) 2020-13 Ottawa Faculty of Law Working Paper.
Amy SCHMITZ, "Addressing the Class Claim Conundrum with Online Dispute Resolution ", (2020) 2020-20 Journal of Dispute Resolution, University of Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper.
Alireza PARVIZIMOSAED, "Towards the Specification and Verification of Legal Contracts ", (2020) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Ottawa.
John MYLOPOULOS, Daniel AMYOT, Luigi LOGRIPPO, Alireza PARVIZIMOSAED and Sepher SHARIFI, "Social Dependence Relationships in Requirements Engineering ", (2020) 13th International i* Workshop (iStar'20) .
Sepehr SHARIFI, Alireza PARVIZIMOSAED, Daniel AMYOT, Luigi LOGRIPPO et John MYLOPOULOS, "Symboleo: Towards a Specification Language for Smart Contracts " , (2020) 28th IEEE Int. Requirements Engineering Conf.
Paul DUMOUCHEL, "Philosophy and the Politics of Moral Machines" , (2019) 4-31-50 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Humanities University Chung-Ang of Seoul.
Paul DUMOUCHEL, " Intelligence, Artificial and Otherwise" , (2019) 2 Forum Philosophicum p.241-258.
Best practices guides
Amy SALYZYN, A Taxonomy for Lawyer Technological Competence ,, December 18, 2020 | Published
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, The Great Debate - Are we Allowing Algorithms to Lead our Justice System Forward? Should We? (the role of advocacy, judges, juries, politics) , AI for Litigators, Law Society of Ontario (virtual webinar), April 16, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, Technology and the Legal Profession: Ethical Issues and Regulatory Responses , CBA-FLSC Ethics Online Symposium (virtual webinar), May 3, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, Lawyering in the Digital Age: The Duty of Technological Competence and the Virtual Lawyer - Equipping Justice Legal Professionals to Thrive , Department of Justice Canada, Ethical Compass Series (virtual webinar), May 27, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, Going Digital: Choices, Strategy, and Evaluation , ACT Partnership Annual Meeting, University of Montreal (virtual webinar) June 14, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, Data Analytics in the Legal Profession , MDS Computational Linguistics Capstone Seminar, University of British Columbia (virtual webinar) June 25, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Moderator, Regulating AI in the Legal Marketplace: Where to Draw the Line? , 2021 International Conference of Legal Regulators (virtual webinar), September 30, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, Ethical and Professional Issues: The Promise and Risks of Technology , Annual National Forum on Administrative Law (virtual conference), October 6, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, Speaker, Legal Ethics in a Digital World , County of Carleton Law Association (held virtually), November 18, 2021
Amy SALYZYN, A Lawyer's Duty of Technological Competence: Current Parameters and Future Horizons , Keynote Speech, J. Donald Mawhinney Lectureship in Professional Ethics, Peter A. Allard School of Law, held virtually, March 11, 2022
Amy Salyzyn, AI and Legal Ethics: Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada , in Florian Martin- Bariteau & Teresa Scassa, (eds) Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2021
Amy SALYZYN & Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Legal Ethics in a Digital Context, prepared for the Canadian Bar Association Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee, June 2021
Books or chapters of books
Huihui XU, Kevin ASHLEY, « A Question-Answering Approach to Evaluating Legal Summaries », Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 2023.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, "Algorithmic Decision Systems ", in Woodrow Barfield (dir.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, (2020).
Frank Pascale (dir.), New Laws of Robotics Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI , Harvard University Press, (2020).
Amy SALYZYN, "AI and Legal Ethics" in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada , Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Jane BAILEY, Jacquelyn BURKELL, Suzie DUNN, Chandal GOSSE, et al. “AI and Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse ”, in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada , Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Ignacio COFONE, "AI and Judicial Decision-Making " , in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada , Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Marina PAVLOVIC, "AI and Contract Law " in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada , Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Amy SCHMITZ "Promover La Protección Del Consumidor a Través De La Resolución De Disputas En Línea (Promoting Consumer Protection through Online Dispute Resolution) " in: Agudelo Mejía, D. A. et al. (dir.), Nuevas dinámicas del Derecho Procesal ( New Dynamics of Procedural Law) , Medellín, Sello editorial Universidad de Medellín, University of Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper, (2020).
Marco GIACALONE, "Alternative dispute resolution e garanzia di accesso alla giustizia : Nuove forme di tutela nello Stato di Diritto", (2020) 78 Studi e Documenti di Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario p.182
Trevor FARROW, Lesley A. JACOBS (dir.), The Justice Crisis: The Cost and Value of Accessing Law , UBC Press, (2020).
Karim BENYEKHLEF, Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL (dir.), Le droit à la vie privée en droit québécois et canadien , Éditions Yvon Blais éd., Montréal, (2018).
Frank PASQUALE, "The Automated Public Sphere " in Ann RUDINOW, SÆTNAN, Ingriad SCHNEIDER, Nicola GREEN The Politics and Policies of Big Data, Big Brother? (2018).
Antoinette ROUVROY, "Mapping as governance in an Age of Autonomic Computing: Technology, Virtuality and Utopia " in Pol BARGUÉS-PEDRENY, David CHANDLER, Elena SIMON (dir.), Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age, London: Routledge, (2018), p.118-134.
Alexei GRINBAUM (dir.), Les Robots et le mal , Desclée de Brouwer éd., CEA de Saclay, (2019).
Nicolas VERMEYS, Maria-Fernanda ACEVEDO LANAS, "Online Dispute Resolution Platforms as a Public Service: How the Cyberjustice Laboratory’s Platform to Aid in the Resolution of Litigation Electronically (PARLe) is Transforming the Canadian Justice System ." in Immaculada Barral Vinals (dir.), El sistema de ADR/ODR en conflictos de consumo: aproximacion critica y prospeccion de futuro , Barcelone, Atelier, (2019), p. 219.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "Les modes privés de prévention et de règlement des différends en ligne " in Pierre-Claude LAFOND (dir.), Régler autrement les différends , 2e éd., Montréal, Lexis Nexis, (2018).
Amy SCHMITZ, "Resolving a New Kind of Trade War Through ODR " dans John Lande (dir.), Theories of Change for the Dispute Resolution Movement: Actionable Ideas to Revitalize Our Movement , (2020).
Working papers
Antonin GRAS et Bertrand DU MARAIS "Vers un « Cyberjuge administratif » ? La numérisation de la justice administrative en France" , document de travail, n°13, 8 septembre 2015
Alexandre THIBEAULT, Online Dispute Resolution for Low Value Civil Claims , 18 février 2015, Document de travail n°12
Nicolas VERMEYS, Julie M. GAUTHIER et Sarit MIZRAHI, Étude sur les incidences juridiques de l'utilisation de l'infonuage par le gouvernement du Québec , Document de travail n°11, 10 juillet 2014
Alexandre Thibeault, Initiatives de justice mobile , Document de travail n°10, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 3 octobre 2013
Philipp Kastner, Cyberjustice in the Context of Transitional Justice , Document de travail n°9, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, Novembre 2013
Alexandre Thibeault, Listes de diffusion pour publication d’articles scientifiques sur la cyberjustice , Document de travail n°8, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 16 juillet 2013
Alexandre Thibeault et Antoine Guilmain, Initiatives ODR : compilation, évaluation et classement , Document de travail n°7, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 28 août 2013
Antoine Guilmain, FAQ : Règlement relatif au règlement en ligne des litiges de consommation (Règlement relatif au RLLC) , Document de travail n°6, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, février 2013
Houda Souissi, La résolution des litiges en ligne dans les opérations électroniques internationales , Document de travail n°5, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 4 mars 2013
Jacquelyn Burkell et Lisa di Valentino, Videoconferencing Literature Review Summary , Document de travail n°4, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 23 octobre 2012
Vanessa Beaton, Literature Review , Document de travail n°3, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 23 octobre 2012
Marco Fabri et Giampiero Lupo, Some European and Australian E-Justice Services , Document de travail n°1, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 19 octobre 2012.
Valentin CALLIPEL, Rémi SLAMA et Antoine LOUIS, Étude comparative d'outils d'intelligence artificielle offerts par les legaltechs aux professionnels du droit , 2023, 56 p., document de travail n°33.
Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, Hélène ZIMMERMANN et Satchel DELL’OLIO – DELPECH, Étude relative à l’incidence des technologies de l’information et des communications sur la formation des juristes au Québec , 2021, 192 p., document de travail n°34.
Jane Bailey, Digitization Of Court Processes In Canada , Document de travail n°2, Laboratoire de Cyberjustice, 23 octobre 2012
Dominique BOULLIER, Anne-Pauline DE CLER et Fabien LECHEVALIER, Cadre d'évaluation pour l'implémentation et l'efficacité de l'IA dans la pratique des acteurs judiciaires - Cas d’étude: la jurimétrie, 2023, 45 p., Document de travail n°36
Vanessa D'AMBROSIO, Literature Review Memo: Artificial Intelligence in Law, 2023, 23p.
Karine Gentelet, Marie Zumstein & Lily-Cannelle Mathieu, Recommendations Access to justice through AI By and for marginalized and/or under-represented communities (ENG) , 2023, 9p. Working paper n°35
Karine Gentelet, Marie Zumstein & Lily-Cannelle Mathieu, Recommandations - L’accès à la justice par l’IA Par et pour les communautés marginalisées et/ou sous-représentées , 2023, 11p., Document de travail n°35
Pauline Langlois et Ryad Titah, A Scoping Review of Ethical Issues in Cyberjustice Research , 2023, 60 p., document de travail AJC
Ilona BOIS-DRIVET, Hannes WESTERMANN, Jie ZHU, Justin-Éric BOILEAU, Sébastien MEEÙS, Rapport sur l’épistémologie de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) , 2023, 249 p., document de travail n°32
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Document de lecture des données issues de l'inventaire sur les outils algorithmiques dans les administrations publiques, 2021,85 p., document de travail n°31.
Alexandra PASCA, Promising Evaluation Practices Guide: A Few Basic Tips, Projet AJC : Chantier 8, 2021,15p., document de travail n°27.
Revue de littérature : Mise en place des contrats intelligents basés sur un registre distribué de type chaîne de blocs (blockchains) , working paper n°20, Montreal, Cyberjustice Laboratory, (2018).
Notice bibliographique – Chaînes de blocs et contrats intelligents , working paper n°21, Montreal, Cyberjustice Laboratory, (2018).
Les solutions informatiques mises en œuvre dans le cadre de la gestion de la conformité juridique, spécialement dans les secteurs bancaire, financier et des assurances (Regulatory Technologies ou RegTech) , working paper n°22, Montreal, Cyberjustice Laboratory, (2018).
Nicolas VERMEYS, Sara COUTURE, Étude relative aux standards et formats de documents technologiques contenus dans un dossier judiciaire , Study prepared for the Ministère de la Justice du Québec, Montreal, Cyberjustice Laboratory, (2019).
Fabien Gélinas (dir.), Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-fifth session , working paper nº19, New York, CNUDCI, (2018).
Jacquelyn BURKELL, The Challenges of Algorithmic Bias , working paper, Law Society of Ontario Special Lectures, Ontario, The University of Western Ontario, (2019).
Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, Karim BENYEKHLEF, Eve GAUMOND (dir.), Repenser la protection des renseignements personnels à la lumière des défis soulevés par l’IA , working paper, Montréal, OBVIA, (2020).
Lyse LANGLOIS, Réjean ROY, Guillaume MACAUX et Eve GAUMOND, Analyse sur l'application de notification de contacts proposée par Mila , working paper, OBVIA, (2020).
Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL (dir.), Petit guide sur les enjeux et opportunités des applications de notifications d’exposition à la COVID-19 , OBVIA, (2020).
Union des consommateurs, Online justice: a Solution to Accessing Traditional Justice Services ? , Final report, (2022).
Riikka Koulu, Havu, K. & Hirvonen, H., Regulating AI is the current legislation capable of dealing with AI? , Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence | Published
Riikka KOULU, Human control over automation: EU policy and AI ethics , European Journal of Legal Studies 1/2020 pp. 9-46. | Published
Riika KOULU, Proceduralising control and discretion: human oversight in artificial intelligence policy , Maastricht Journal for European and Comparative Law, 2020 | Published
Riika KOULU, Crafting digital transparency: implementing legal values into algorithmic design , Critical Analysis of Law , April 2021 | Published
Riikka KOULU, Laura KONTIAINEN, Suvi SANKARI, Shift the perspective and see differently: Access to justice as a boundary object for interdisciplinary algorithm studies , submitted in 2022, under review in Frontiers in Computer Science | Published
Giampiero Lupo, Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary , Technologies of Normalization, Sep.-Oct. 2020.
Giampiero LUPO, Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary , ACT Workshop, Nov. 2020.
Giampiero LUPO, Risky Artificial Intelligence: What the Role of Accidents will be in the Path to AI Regulation , Condition Critical: Disruption, disaster and the challenges to law, Online seminar, Sep.-Oct 2021.
Giampiero LUPO, Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: How Normative Frameworks Protect Citizens from the Risks Related to AI Use in the Judiciary , European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, 8(2), 75-96, 2019. | Published
Giampiero LUPO, The ethics of Artificial Intelligence: An analysis of ethical frameworks disciplining AI in justice and other contexts of application , Oñati Socio-legal Series (ISSN 2079-5971), 2022 | Published
Amy SALYZYN, Legal Technology: Tools and Regulatory Responses , Virtual Presentation to Law Society of Ontario, Technology Taskforce, October 23, 2019
Amy SALYZYN, Judging by Numbers: How Will Judicial Analytics Impact the Justice System and Its Stakeholders? , Canadian Association for Legal Ethics Annual Conference, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie, October 23, 2020
Jena MCGILL abd Amy SALYZYN, Judging by Numbers: How will judicial analytics impact the justice system and its stakeholders? , 44:1 (2021) Dalhousie Law Journal 250. | To be published
Kayla BURRIS, Taylor LAIN, Kazia NOWACKI & Fredric LEDERER, Modern Frenemies: Lawyers and Legal AI | To be published
Annotated Bibliography: Direct-to-Public Legal Services – Impact Evaluation , 2020, 200 pages | Published
Inventory of A2J Author Technology in USA , 2019, 15 pages | Published
Amy, SCHMITZ | List of ODR providers | Published
Aidin RASTI, From legal contracts to smart contracts: An Xtext editor for Symboleo with a code generator for Hyperledger Fabric , Demonstration, CASCON x EVOKE 2021, online, Canada, November 24, 2021. | To be published
Daniel AMYOT, Alireza PARVIZIMOSAED, A., John MYLOPOULOS, Mylopoulos, CyPreSS ORF: The Symboleo Project , Invited presentation, CASCON x EVOKE Workshop on Software Techniques for Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems, online, Canada, November 25, 2021. | To be published
Symboleo-CC: a Symboleo legal contract specification verification tool built around the nuXmv model checking tool
Symboleo-IDE: an Eclipse editor for the Symboleo language, with JavaScript code generator for smart contracts on the Hyperledger Fabric platform
The Symboleo language ontology, with corresponding code in EMF, Umple and Java
Daniel AMYOT, Symboleo: a language for specifying/verifying legal contracts and generating smart contracts , Seminar presentation, École Polytechnique, Canada, April 14, 2022. | To be published
Daniel AMYOT, Contract Specification and Verification: Experience with the Symboleo Language , Keynote presentation, 15th International Workshop on Value Modeling and Business Ontologies (VMBO 2021), online, Italy, March 5, 2021. | To be published
Daniel AMYOT, Contract specification and verification: Experience with the Symboleo language , Seminar presentation, LATECE, UQAM, online, Canada, May 19, 2021. | To be published
Alberto LOPES, Languages for Legal Contract Specifications . | To be published
Sepehr SHARIFI, Smart Contracts: From Formal Specification to Blockchain Code , Master thesis , UOttawa, 2020. | To be published
Pre-Conflict Decisions Tools: Orienting Litigants and Defendants: Review of Literature | Published
Literature Survey | « Inventaire des outils d’intelligence artificielle favorisant la prévention des conflits pour les citoyens » | Published
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Algorithmes et administration publique , 2021,18 p., document de travail n°29.
Alexandra PASCA, Fabien GÉLINAS (dir.), Inventory of A2J Author Technology in USA , document de travail, Chantier 8, 2021
Laboratoire de Cyberjustice (dir.), Numéro spécial : Droit algorithmique , Revue Lex Electronica, (2020).
Kate ROBERTSON, Cynthia KHOO, Yolanda SONG (dir.), To Surveil and Predict : a Human Rights Analysis of Algorithmic Policing in Canada , The Citizen Lab, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, (2020).
Option consommateur (dir.), Projet de loi n° 64 – Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels (mémoire d'Option consommateur) , (2020).
Karine GENTELET, Alexandra BAHARY-DIONNE (dir.), Les angles morts des réponses technologiques à la pandémie de COVID-19: Disjonction entre les inégalités en santé et numériques structurantes de la marginalisation de certaines populations , OBVIA, (2020).
Winkler Institute (dir.), Winkler Institute for Dispute Resolution ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 , annual report, (2020).
Option Consommateurs (dir.), Les mécanismes de règlement des différends proposés par les plateformes de l’économie du partage. Des outils efficaces pour l’accès à la justice? Research Report - Access to Justice, (2020).
Laboratoire de cyberjustice (dir.), Les solutions informatiques mises en œuvre dans le cadre de la gestion de la conformité juridique, spécialement dans les secteurs bancaire, financier et des assurances (Regulatory Technologies ou RegTech) , Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, (2018).
Thomas Clay (dir.), L’arbitrage en ligne , Commission ad hoc, Rapport du club des Juristes, France : Paris, École de droit de la Sorbonne, (2019).
Lisa MOORE, Trevor C.W FARROW (dir.), Investir dans la justice: revue de littérature en faveur de la nécessité d'en améliorer l'accès, rapport préparé pour le Groupe de travail sur la justice Toronto: Forum canadien sur la justice civile , Forum canadien sur la justice civile, (2019).
Fabien GÉLINAS (dir.), Report of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) on the work of its thirty-fifth session , United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, (2018).
David RESTREPO AMARILES (dir.), Conclusion from the International Seminar on Administrative Law and Artificial Intelligence , Centro de Estudios Europeos, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, (2019).
Valentin CALLIPEL, Karl BRANTING L, Les JACOBS et Trevor FARROW (dir.), Inventaire des outils d'intelligence artificielle favorisant la prévention des conflits pour les citoyens , inventory subproject 1 ACT , Cyberjustice Laboratory, (2018).
Meredith ROSSNER, Martha MCCURDY (dir.), Video Hearings Process Evaluation (Phase 2) Final Report , report, London School of Economics, (2020).
Benoit DUPONT, Yuan STEVENS, Hannes WESTERMANN, Michael JOYCE (dir.), Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Crime and Criminal Justice , Korean Institute of Criminology, Canada Research Chair in Cybersecurity, ICCC, Université de Montréal, (2018).
Lisa MOORE, Trevor FARROW (dir.), Investir dans la justice: revue de littérature en faveur de la nécessité d'améliorer l'accès , Task Force on Justice Toronto: Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, (2019).
Working Group 3: Governance and policies Subproject 14 – Increase the intelligibility of online dockets and access to justice by mobilizing artificial intelligence Subproject 14 – Towards a synergetic approach to the dematerialization of judicial files: protection of the privacy of the litigant as a vector of access to justice Subproject 15 - Security Issues Stemming from AI Tools Blogs
Camille BORDERE, Frédérique BOLANGER, « DataJust: l'heure du bilan en France » , Laboratoire de cyberjustice (25 octobre 2022).
Jie ZHU, « JurisOracle: Et si l'on imaginait le futur de l'accès au droit et à la justice » , Laboratoire de cyberjustice (14 octobre 2022).
Jinzhe TAN, « Kleros: Gaming in justice » , Laboratoire de cyberjustice (16 septembre 2022).
Aurore CLÉMENT TROUSSEL, “ L’étude des sciences, de la technologie et de la société : Quelles contributions dans le domaine du droit ? ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (July 28, 2022).
Rémi SLAMA, “Digital Markets Act / Digital Service Act, l’Europe entend contrer l’hégémonie des GAFAM ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (July 20, 2022).
Jinzhe TAN, “The Future of ODR: Immersive technology enhancement and underlying technology evolution ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (July 19, 2022).
Sylvain LONGHAIS, “L’implantation et l’utilisation des outils d’intelligence artificielle dans l’administration publique ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (June 21, 2022).
Rémi SLAMA, “L’intelligence artificielle en fiscalité, entre mythe et réalité ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (May 29, 2022).
Sébastien MEEÙS, “Jeux vidéo, Metaverse et habitudes numériques de la jeunesse — Perspectives juridiques du projet Lego x Epic Games x Sony ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (April 19, 2022).
Jinzhe TAN, “Legal Self-help Tools in China ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (February 22, 2022).
Sébastien MEEÙS, “Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) à l’ère du Web 3.0 |Cartographie des enjeux juridiques ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (February 3, 2022).
Rémi SLAMA, “La Chine annonce avoir développé une intelligence artificielle capable de remplacer les juges”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (February 1, 2022).
Jie ZHU, “De l’intelligence au droit artificiel ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (November 16, 2021).
Sylvain LONGHAIS, “Une introduction au concept de « nudge » : genèse, mise en pratique et application numérique ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (November 15, 2021).
Sylvain LONGHAIS, “ Les techniques algorithmiques de l’IA | L’approche connexionniste ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (January 5, 2021).
Jie ZHU, « Les techniques algorithmiques de l’IA | Support vector machine », Laboratoire de cyberjustice (17 décembre 2020).
Tomas ROJAS VAZQUEZ, « L’inférence bayésienne : l’intelligence artificielle par la statistique », Laboratoire de cyberjustice (16 décembre 2020).
Simon DU PERRON, “Les algorithmes évolutionnaires : la sélection naturelle au service de l’intelligence artificielle ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (December 15 2020).
lona BOIS-DRIVET,“ Les techniques algorithmiques de l’IA | Billet introductif ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (December 14, 2020).
lona BOIS-DRIVET,“L’intelligence artificielle symbolique : qu’en est-il aujourd’hui ? ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory (December 14, 2020).
Anne-Sophie HULIN, « Introduction à la fiducie québécoise de données », Cyberjustice Laboratory (November 26, 2020).
David RESTREPO AMARILES, « Developing an Automated Compliance App to Help Firms Comply with Privacy Regulations »,HEC Paris, (October 27th, 2020).
Simon DU PERRON, « Le temps des réformes : cinq comparaisons entre le projet de loi n° 64 et le projet de loi C-11 », Laboratoire de cyberjustice (24 novembre 2020).
Jie ZHU, "La production de la preuve technologique par des moyens technologiques : l’empreinte tentaculaire d’un monde en vase clos ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (August 17, 2020).
Simon DU PERRON, "La Nouvelle-Zélande se dote d’une Charte des algorithmes ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (August 10,2020).
Jie ZHU, " Retour sur l’expérience judiciaire en temps de pandémie : quelle technologisation de notre justice ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (August 6, 2020).
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, " Les mécanismes de règlement des différends des plateformes de l’économie du partage sont-ils des outils efficaces d’accès à la justice ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July, 20 2020).
Simon DU PERRON, " Projet de loi 64 : une réforme à l’Européenne du droit à la protection des renseignements personnels ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (June 17, 2020).
Simon DU PERRON, "COVIDSafe : l’application australienne qui fait bon élève ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (May 15, 2020).
Mark LIKHTEN, Sylvain LONGHAIS, "Covid-19 et applications de traçage : Le droit ne doit pas céder aux chants des sirènes du solutionnisme technologique ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (May 11, 2020).
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, "Le recours aux données de géolocalisation en temps de pandémie : problème ou solution ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (9 avril 2020).
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, "La prévention et le règlement des différends à travers l’Union européenne : la Commission rend son rapport ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (18 mars 2020).
Simon DU PERRON, "Le Data Protection Act of 2020 : vers une Agence américaine de protection des données ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (March 17, 2020).
Alexandra BAHARY-DIONNE, Karine GENTELET, "Élargir les horizons de l'intelligence artificielle centrée sur l'humain ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (November 29, 2019).
Laetitia DIMANCHE, Erwan Jonchères, "Les travailleurs du clic et l'intelligence artificielle ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (21 juin 2019).
Pierre LEGROS, "Partie II – JTC Resource Bulletin, « ODR for Courts ». De la mise en place de l’ODR, vers une expérience réussie ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (21 juin 2019).
Pierre LEGROS, "Partie I - JTC Resource Bulletin, « ODR for Courts » Le règlement des conflits à l’ère numérique, une évolution nécessaire des tribunaux au bénéfice de chacun ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (29 mai 2019).
Valentin CALLIPEL, "Blogue introductif ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Karima SMOUK, "La cyberjustice : le remède à une justice en quarantaine ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (March 24, 2020).
Soleïca MONNIER, "Pourquoi l'open source est-il omniprésent en IA ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (October 22, 2018).
Soleïca MONNIER, "Note de lecture : L'empire des données ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (November 12, 2018).
Sarit MIZRAHI, "La mise au point de véhicules autonomes: au-delà du dilemme du tramway 3.0 ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (February 27, 2019).
Laura BAUDIN, Martine GAGNON, "L'Open data juridique " , Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Laura BAUDIN, "La démocratisation de l'accès à la justice par l'emploi des Legal Tech ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Laura BAUDIN, "Vers une réglementation européenne sur la robotique et l'intelligence artificielle ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Jie ZHU, "Se tisser une vie privée sur la Toile : L'avenir d'une illusion ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (24 juillet 2018).
Jie ZHU, "L'avenir de l'intelligence artificielle: les portes tournantes de la Maison Blanche ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Jie ZHU, "Regard sur le Deep Learning ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Jie ZHU, "Canada Treasury Board's Directive on Automated Decision-Making ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (November 25, 2018).
Jie ZHU, "Bots at the Gate: d'autres temps, d'autres mœurs, d'autres systèmes " , Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (December 5, 2018).
François BROCHU-LEMAY, "MiDAS: L'intelligence artificielle devenue juge, jury et bourreau ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Florimond ÉPÉE, Robin TIBLE, "La nécessité d'une adaptation législative encadrant les possibilités découlant des évolutions de l'intelligence artificielle ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Florimond ÉPÉE, "La protection des données personnelles au Canada à l'ère des données massives ", Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Anastasia KONINA, ”RegTech's Spillover: From Technological Infrastructure to the Epitome of Private Governance ” , Cyberjustice Laboratory Blog (July 24, 2018).
Press articles
Benoît Dupont & Layla Jasic, La sécurité de l'IA , Note de synthèse de la Chaire de recherche en prévention de la cybercriminalité, 2024.
Ryad Titah, "Villes numériques : les technologies de l'information pour faire face aux grands défis urbains ", LaPresse, (October 4, 2020).
Valentin CALLIPEL, Karim BENYEKHLEF, "Algorithmes et Justice : Une prudente avancée ", Business & Legal Forum, (September 24, 2020).
Yves FAGUY, "Legal futures round-up ", CBA National, (April 10, 2018).
Yves FAGUY, "Legal futures round-up ", CBA National, (July 4, 2018).
UdeM Nouvelles, "Lancement d’un important projet de recherche international en IA et justice à l’UdeM ", (June 20, 2018).
Thierry MAUBANT, "Un important projet de recherche international en intelligence artificielle et Justice lancé à Montréal ", Actu IA, (July 4, 2018).
Pierre LEGROS, « Online Dispute Resolution, un complément indispensable à la justice d'aujourd'hui et de demain », Village de la Justice , (February 10, 2020).
Philippe MERCURE, "l'intelligence artificielle au service de la justice ", LaPresse + , (June 17, 2018).
Mathieu PAPILLON, "Des juges-robots au tribunal : entre fiction et appréhension ", Radio-Canada, ( July 3, 2018).
Ville de Montréal, "Lancement du plus important projet de recherche international en intelligence artificielle et justice ", ID MTL – Ville de Montréal (June 20, 2018).
Dominique BOULLIER, "Avec les réseaux sociaux numériques, l’événement devient un fait social ", Le temps des médias, (May 28, 2018).
Alexei GRINBAUM, "Pour "liker", veuillez patienter ", Quotidien Libération , (April 7, 2019).
AJRN – RRAJ, "Cyberjustice Laboratory launches major “Autonomy through Cyberjustice Technologies” Research Project ", (June 19, 2018).
David TAIT, Meredith ROSSNER, "Courts Are Moving to Video during Coronavirus, but Research Shows It’s Hard to Get a Fair Trial Remotely ", The Conversation, (April 8, 2020).
Benoit DUPONT, "Covid-19: Les Dérives Possibles de Surveillance Des Données Personnelles " The Conversation , (May 29, 2020).
Amy SALYZYN, "Trial by Zoom : What Virtual hearings might mean for Open Courts, Participants Privacy and the Integrity of Court Proceedings " The Conversation, (April 17, 2020).
Giampero LUPO, "Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary ", October 13, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ, Nicolas VERMEYS " Arbitration Conversation #41: Prof. Nicolas Vermeys of the University of Montreal ", September, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ "The Arbitration Conversation: Amy Schmitz Interviews the Leading Minds in Arbitration ",, July 2020.
Meredith ROSSNER, "Online Courts: How to measure “justice” and “fairness"", The Legal Education Foundation, March 7, 2019.
Yves GINGRAS, « Éloge de l'homo techno-logicus », Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, October 16, 2018.
Stéphane BERNATCHEZ, " De la démocratie par le droit à la dictature des algorithmes ? La théorie juridique au XXIe siècle ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, October 23, 2019.
Sarit K. MIZRAHI, "Faux-riginality in an Age of Mass Production: Why Copyright Should Not Protect Machine-Generated Content ", conférences Jeunes chercheurs, LexUM Chair, February 18, 2020.
Randy GOEBEL, "Legal Text Analysis using AI | Chapter 2 ", LexUM Chair, 26 février 2020.
Przemysław PAŁKA, "CLAUDETTE: Empowering Consumers through Artificial Intelligence ", McGill University, February 5, 2020.
Pierre-luc DÉZIEL, "Quel rôle pour le droit à l'ère des agents autonomes décentralisés ? ", McGill University, november 30, 2018.
Pierre Trudel, "Le rapport Le temps d’agir et la mise à niveau des lois sur les communications : pour une régulation raisonnée des activités se déroulant sur Internet ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, March 10, 2020.
Noel CORRIVEAU, "Pour une utilisation responsable de l'intelligence artificielle au gouvernement du Canada ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, April 10, 2019.
Nicole RIGILLO, "What does a Decision become in the Era of Artificial Intelligence ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and Mcgill University, November 26, 2019.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "ODR, l’expérience canadienne à l’aube des projets français ", Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne, March 1, 2019.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "ODR Industry Summit ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, March 4-5, 2019.
Mason Kortz, "Artificial Testimony: Algorithms and Legal Proof ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, 12 avril 2018.
Cyberjustice Laboratory, "ICAL 2019 " , Cyberjustice Laboratory and ICAIL, June 17-21, 2019.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, " An Open Discussion on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) as a Public Service ", MaRS Center Toronto, March 28, 2019.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "LA JUSTICE DE LA CONSOMMATION EN 2018 Du règlement en ligne des conflits aux outils d’intelligence artificielle Regards croisés Europe / Canada ", Université de Montréal, April 5, 2018.
L. Thorne MCCARTY, Ejan MACKAAY, " On Semi-Supervised Learning of Legal Semantics ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, April 19, 2018.
Kevin ASHLEY, " World Authority Underlines Potential of AI Data Mining for Law ", HEC Paris, March 29, 2019.
Katie SZILAGYI, " Self-Driving Laws | Rule of Law Problems and the Machine Regulation Thesis ", cycle de conférences Jeunes-chercheurs, LexUM Chair, January 23, 2019.
Karim BENYEKHLEF, Valentin CALLIPEL, "Partenariat et participation du Laboratoire de cyberjustice à la conférence IA en Mission Sociale ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, AIIA, March 21-22, 2019.
Karim BENYEKHLEF, " Algorithmes et État de droit, Rencontres Expertes du Lab ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, October 9, 2019.
Karim BENYEKHLEF, " Karim Benyekhlef, conférencier lors de l’événement Legal.It ", Young Bar of Quebec (JBM), March 22, 2019.
Karim BENYEKHLEF, " Les matinées expertes du Laboratoire de cyberjustice " , Cyberjustice Laboratory, October 10, 2018.
Karim BENYEKHLEF, "Quelles sont les limites de la liberté d'expression sur internet ", Émission Gravel le matin, Radio-Canada, 28 décembre 2018.
Jill R. PRESSER, Carla SWANSBURG, Amy SALYZYN " Conférences spéciales 2019: Innovation, technologie et pratique du droit ", Ontario Bar, November 21-22, 2019.
Jean-François GAGNÉ, " Vers une démocratie algorithmique ? ", Cycle de conférences 2019-2020 Démocratie, algorithme et information, LexUM Chair, February 19, 2020.
Jackie CHI KIT CHEUNG, " Legal Text Analysis using AI | Chapter 1 ", LexUM Chair, December 3, 2019.
Isabelle SAYN, " Justice « prédictive » et droits fondamentaux ", Cycle de conférences 2019-2020 Démocratie, algorithme et information , Cyberjustice Laboratory, LexUM Chair, September 24, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Yuan STEVENS "Crime and Punishment in the Age of Artificial Intelligence ", Cycle de conférence Jeunes chercheurs, LexUM Chair, February 19, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, " Increasing access to justice by using artificial intelligence to interpret case law ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, March 4, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, " Artificial Intelligence and the Legal Sector ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, McGill University, November 13, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, " Legal Data Mining, Machine Learning and Visualization ", HEC Paris, March 21, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, " JusticeBot: Simplifying Access to Legal Information Using AI ", Young Researchers Conference in Artificial Intelligence and Law, Cyberjustice Laboratory, February 25, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, "I.A. & Droit: Présentation du projet « JusticeBot » ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, November 1st, 2018.
Gilbert BABIN, " Artificial Intelligence: Explainable, Accountable & Ethical ? ", Conférence jeunes chercheurs en intelligence artificielle et droit, Cyberjustice Laboratory, February 25, 2019.
Fred TURNER, " The Democratic Surround: Media and the Dream of a Liberal Commons in Cold War America ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, 20 March, 2018.
François JARRIGE, " Face au déferlement technique: conflits et négociations à l'aube de l'ère industrielle ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, LexUM Chair, October 23, 2018.
Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, " Lex cryptographia : la fin de l'État de droit ? ", Cyberjustice Laboratory, LexUM Chair, February 20, 2019.
Florian, MARTIN-BARITEAU, " Penser le droit à l'heure de la chaîne de blocs et de l'automatisation ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and Mcgill University, March 11, 2019.
Éric SADIN, "L’intelligence artificielle : le pouvoir d’énoncer la vérité ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, April 9, 2019.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, "Atelier niveau expert - Machine learning for lawyers ", European Incubator of the Brussels Bar, March 14, 2019.
"The Use of AI in White-Collar Crime " , Mcgill University, February 25, 2019.
Bianca TOMAZELI, François ELIE, "SQiL 2019 – Grande conférence sur le logiciel libre et le secteur public ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, september 25, 2019.
Beverly RICH, "How AI is Changing Contracts ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and Mcgill University, March 13, 2019.
Benoît DUPONT, "Policy Surveillance in the Field of Cybercrime Prevention: An Opportunity to Move Beyond ad hoc Interventions (and to compare cyber apples to digital oranges) ", The First Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime, October 15, 2018.
Benjamin ALARIE, " The Promise of AI for Positive Comparative Law ", McGill University, November 20, 2018.
Benjamin ALARIE, " Artificial Intelligence ", The Canadian Tax Foundation’s, 28 février 2019.
Antoinette ROUVROY, " Penser la condition numérique: enjeux sémiotiques, politiques et éthiques de la gouvernementalité algorithmique ", Seminar"La Condition humaine à l'heure des N.B.I.C." SciencesPo Doctoral School, 29 mars 2018.
Antoinette ROUVROY, " Rethinking critique and critical legal studies in a civilization of digital signals and algorithms ", Evénement International Conference "Critical Stances - Critique as Practice ", Lueneburg. - Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Allemagne, 23 juin 2018.
Antoinette ROUVROY, " Intelligence artificielle entre fiction et action (transcription publiée d'une conférence donnée à l'ENSAE): La gouvernementalité algorithmique ", Evénement Intelligence Artificielle : fiction ou actions ? Chair of Innovation and Regulation of Digital Services and ENSAE Alumni, March 15, 2018.
Antoine GARAPON, Jean LASSÈGUE, ”Justice digitale : Révolution graphique et rupture anthropologique ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory, March 7, 2019.
Amy SCHMITZ, ”Dangers of Digitizing Due Process ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory and LexUM Chair, March 27, 2019.
Alexis FITZJEAN O'COBHTHAIGH, ”Grande conférence de la SQiL 2018 sur les politique publiques d’Internet ”, Cyberjustice Laboratory, LexUM Chair and FACIL, September 19, 2018.
Alexei GRINBAUM, “La valeur éthique du hasard pour les systèmes autonomes “, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie, February 28, 2019.
Nicolas VERMEYS, Benoit DUPONT, "Enjeux de la cybersécurité reliés à une pandémie ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 25, 2020.
Karl BRANTING L, Kevin ASHLEY, Tom VAN ENGERS "AI'S Contribution to the Administration of Justice ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 16, 2020.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, "Exploring Compliance Technologies for Privacy " , virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 29, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Erwan JONCHÈRES, Louis ROY, Gilbert BABIN, "Résilience de la blockchain et de ses applications juridiques en temps de crise ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 26, 2020.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "Les incidences de l’intelligence artificielle sur la fonction judiciaire et les juges ", Colloque de la magistrature, Montreal, November 4, 2019.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "Faux documents, mystification et Hypertrucage : comment peut-on se fier à la preuve technologique ? ", Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Annual Conference, Québec, 18 octobre 2019.
Nicolas VERMEYS, Paul EMBLEY, Diana GRASKI, "Technology Update:AI, Machine Learning & Data Science ", National Association for Court Management Annual Conference, Las Vegas, July 22, 2019.
Ève GAUMOND, Nicolas GARNEAU, David BEAUCHEMIN, "Intelligibility of Digital Court Records The Criminal Docket Experience ", within ACT Annual Meeting, June 2020.
Jacquelyn BURKELL, Jane BAILEY, "Explainable AI” and reasons for judicial decisions ", Faculty of Law Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, December 2019.
Amy SCHMITZ, "Dangers of Digitizing Due Process ", Cycle of conferences, LexUM Chair on Legal Information, March 27, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ, "Governance for ODR, National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution Resources ", The National Centre for Technology & Dispute Resolution, January 15th, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ, "ODR Progress and Insights: Court System Design & Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities" , National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution Resources, January 25, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ, "In The Know webinar - Online Dispute Resolution “ODR” and You ", ABA Section on Business Law, “In the Know” CLE Program, April 22, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ, "ODR in the ERA of COVID-19: Experts Answer Your Questions ", ABA Free Webinar, March 20, 2020.
Amy SCHMITZ, "Empowerment through E-Courts & Public Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) ?" , Universidade Mackenzie, Brazil, April 3, 2020.
Conferences and activities
Marco GIACALONE, Ronald P. LOUI, « Dispute Resolution with Arguments over Milestones: Changing the Representation to Facilitate Changing the Focus », Jusletter IT – The Magazine for IT and Law, (2018).
Nicolas GARNEAU, Eve GAUMOND, Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, R. KHOURY, Luc LAMONTAGNE, « CriminalBART: A French Canadian Legal Language Model Specialized in Criminal Law », ICAIL 2021, 5 février 2021 (submitted).
Frank PASCALE, "Web-conference : New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI" , HumanIA, December 7, 2020.
Christophe VILLEMER, Guillaume HELLER, "Webinaire | Jami, un outil de communication au service de la vie privée ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, April 29, 2020.
Patricia BYRNE, Drew JACKSON, David KANDESTIN, Chris MCGRATH, "Webinaire | Beagle, a Chatbot that Helps with Everyday Legal Problems ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 14, 2020.
Richard ROGERS, "Webinaire : Improving Access to Justice Through User-Focused ODR ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 20, 2020.
Xavier BEAUCHAMP, Frédéric PELLETIER, "Programmer une fonction de traitement jurisprudentiel automatisée à CanLII ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 3, 2020.
Erik BORNMANN, Carl ABRAHAMSON, Judith A. WAHL, "Webinar | CLEO’s direct-to-public Guided Pathways for Powers of Attorney ", virtual program of the cyberjustice Laboratory, June 4, 2020.
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Julien BOIS, "Web-conférence |Cybersécurité : comment se protéger, son entreprise et ses clients en respectant les bonnes pratiques et exigences légales ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 26, 2020.
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Nicolas VERMEYS, Benoit DUPONT, "Web-entretien | Enjeux de la cybersécurité reliés à une pandémie ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 25, 2020.
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, Élisa HENRY, Chantal BERNIER, "COVID-19 : vie privée et protection des données ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 18, 2020.
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, Karl BRANTING, Kevin ASHLEY, Tom VAN ENGERS, "Web conference | AI'S Contribution to the Administration of Justice ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 15, 2020.
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, Mélanie BOURASSA FORCIER, Martin GIBERT, Daniel WEINSTOCK, RYOA CHUNG, "Web-entretien | Enjeux éthiques du recours à l'intelligence artificielle en temps de pandémie ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 15, 2020.
Simon DU PERRON, Jean-François GAGNÉ, "Pandémie, surveillance et démocratie ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory.
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Philippe MOURON, "L'exploration de la patrimonialité des données personnelles ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Marie-Claude SARRAZIN, "Web-conférence | Assermentation par des moyens technologiques ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 5, 2020.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Clément SAMSON, Paul-Matthieu GRONDIN, "Web-conférence | Retour d’expérience sur la tenue des audiences virtuelles en temps de pandémie ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 8, 2020.
Guilem SOLER SOLÉ, "El Juicio, instrumento para la justicia : Desafíos tecnológicos en tiempos de pandemia (y para el futuro) - spanish version ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 10, 2020.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Guilem SOLER SOLÉ, "Web conference | The Trial as the Means for Justice: Technological Challenges in Pandemic Times ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June10, 2020.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Romain BOULET, "Non-conformité de la visio-conférence devant la Chambre de l'Instruction en matière criminelle ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 11, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, "Workshop | Understanding Smart Contracts ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 28, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, David RESTREPO AMARILES, "Exploring Compliance Technologies for Privacy ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 29, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Alexander BERNIER, "Blockchain, Data Protection, and Health Data Management ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 27, 2020.
Maggy BOGETTO, Mark LIKHTEN, Shannon SALTER, Daniel RAINEY, "Web-talk | Online Dispute Resolution in Labor Law ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 20, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, "ODRAI – JusticeBot, prototype et challenge ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 19, 2020.
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Nancy LEGGETT-BACHAND "Retour d'expérience : les cliniques Portes 33 de Justice ProBono ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory.
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Dominique BOUTIN, Aliaa EL-HAGE, Sophie GAGNON, "Web-entretien | Retour d'expérience - Comment informer le public sur ses droits en période de pandémie ? ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 15, 2020.
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Jean-Paul BEVILACQUA, Julie MATHEWS, Katie SYKES, "Learning from experience | How to inform public of their rights in times of crisis ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 14, 2020.
Ilona BOIS-DRIVET, Paul EMBLEY, Catherine LAWRENCE, "Justice and Fast Technological Shift - Canada and USA Situation ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 21, 2020.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "Intelligence artificielle et données judiciaires ", Espace CDPQ, January 30, 2020.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "ICANN 2019 ", Cyberjustice Laboratory and ICANN, November 2-7, 2019.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "Perspectives juridiques de l'intelligence artificielle et de la cyberjustice " , Summer School 2019, June 3-8, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Erwan JONCHÈRES, Louis ROY, Gilbert BABIN, "Résilience de la blockchain et de ses applications juridiques en temps de crise ", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 26, 2020.
Case studies & Evaluations Legal governance