HumanIA – Conférence de Frank Pasquale au sujet de son nouveau livre: New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI

L’activité se déroulera intégralement en anglais.

Cette web-conférence organisé par HumanIA accueille Frank Pascale – professeur titulaire et chercheur AJC – dans le cadre d’une présentation de son dernier ouvrage New Laws of Robotics Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI.

À propos du conférencier

Frank Pasquale is an expert on the law of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and machine learning, and author of the widely cited book, The Black Box Society (Harvard University Press, 2015) where he develops a social theory of reputation, search, and finance, and promotes pragmatic reforms to improve the information economy, including more vigorous enforcement of competition and consumer protection law. The Black Box Society has been reviewed in Science and Nature, published in several languages, and its fifth anniversary of publication has been marked with an international symposium in Big Data & Society.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 26 novembre 2020 à 10 h 14 min.