What does a Decision become in the Era of Artificial Intelligence?
Nicole RIGILLO, « What does a Decision become in the Era of Artificial Intelligence ? », Laboratoire de cyberjustice, Mcgill University, 26 novembre 2019.
En anglais seulement.
Artificially intelligent systems are increasingly being used to both augment and replace human decision-makers of all kinds: a human resources representative screening a job applicant, a judge assessing a prisoner’s bail request, or an immigration agent issuing a visa, for example. The automation of high-stakes decisions has led to concerns about bias, fairness, and transparency. But a question that remains largely unexplored is how the application of machine learning to decisions made about human beings asks us to revise our understanding of what a decision is.
Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 10 septembre 2020 à 10 h 09 min.